Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Canon CanoScan LiDE210 Scanner (4508B002) BuySaleCheap

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Buy Sale Canon CanoScan LiDE210 Scanner (4508B002) Cheaper than Walmart, BestBuys Deals and Discount Prices Guarantee Cheap Canon CanoScan LiDE210 Scanner (4508B002) When Release and Arrive In Stock with Free Shipping Offer.

Canon CanoScan LiDE210 Scanner (4508B002)

Customer Rating :
Rating: 4.2

List Price : $89.99
*** Prices will Change and Update Every Hours. Compare Prices Now.

Product Description

Ultra Compact Scanner with Vertical Scanning and Up to 2400 dpi

  • Auto Scan Mode automatically adjusts settings by detecting what you are scanning
  • High speed letter size color scanning in approx. 10 seconds
  • Just one USB cable for data and power
  • Advanced Z-lid expansion top for scanning bulky items
  • All new Auto Document Fix delivers area by area color correction for beautiful, easy to view scans, automatically

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Canon CanoScan LiDE210 Scanner (4508B002) Reviews
Customer Reviews
Average Customer Review
132 Reviews
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319 of 326 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars A great little scanner, October 3, 2010
Stoney (Miami, FL) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Canon CanoScan LiDE210 Scanner (4508B002) (Office Product)
With a few caveats, this is a great little scanner. The best part is that it actually fits in my Targus computer case WITH my laptop. It weighs only 2-3 pds, and runs off USB power---no converter brick to haul around. Scans are sharp and fast. The automatic settings work very well for nearly all typical originals (old photos, business letters, receipts, etc.). Despite some shortcomings, the price and exceptional portability may make this series of scanners the choice for scanning books---because books which need to be scanned are often non-circulating items in libraries or archives.

Unfortunately, the particular design of this scanner (and all other LED-based scanners) is that (unlike most fat desktop scanners) it cannot scan 3D objects. Any portion of your document or image which is not in absolute contact with the glass patten will be very blurry. The raised frame raises the edges of any original which does not fit on the glass patten,... Read more
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72 of 74 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Amazingly small, low power, good results, and LED based!, August 24, 2010
WolfPup (United States) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Canon CanoScan LiDE210 Scanner (4508B002) (Office Product)
Customer review from the Amazon Vine™ Program ( What's this?)
I'm not an expert when it comes to judging image quality-so while I'm giving the LiDE210 a great score, I'm not 100% sure if it's image results are as good, worse, or better than comparable relatively high end consumer scanners. I can say the results look good, and so far look the same (to me) as a high end HP model from a few years ago that I use at work.

I was shocked by how small the scanner's box is-in fact I thought maybe I'd accidentally ordered something that would only scan photos. Amazed again when I pulled the scanner out of the box...although it accepts full size papers (and it looks like legal sized too, although I haven't tested any yet) it's easily less than half the size of my HP from work. While it still takes up a decent amount of space on a desk (since it has to be big enough for the scanner bed to accept full size papers), it still somehow feels like it fits in better than older scanners.

Also doesn't use a power supply. It... Read more
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113 of 123 people found the following review helpful
3.0 out of 5 stars No 3D scanning, October 2, 2010
Donald E. Fulton (Stoneham, MA USA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Canon CanoScan LiDE210 Scanner (4508B002) (Office Product)
I bought this scanner to use with Windows 7, because HP has not made available a 64 bit driver for my trusty old HP 5470c scanner (in an effort to boost scanner sales no doubt). There can't be much of a market for straight scanners anymore because my local Staples has on display dozens of all-in-one printer/scanners and zero straight scanners.

Pro: I like that this scanner is small, low power, and uncluttered, but I won't dwell on these points as they have been discussed by other reviewers. Quality as far as I can tell from my limited use is good. I saw a detailed review of this scanner that concluded the quality was excellent. Speed is no problem, with no lamp warmup and the preview scan is quick (10 sec).

Cons hardware: As I now know (but did not know when I bought this scanner), all low power LED scanners with CIS sensors like the Cannon Lide family, have a big, big drawback. They have almost no depth of field. They can only scan paper, they can't be used for... Read more
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